Sri Radha Govinda, Amsterdam NL

Sri Radha Govinda, Amsterdam NL
Sri Radha Govinda, Amsterdam NL (Personal Deities)

12 April 2008

Sat-sanga -- Using Discrimination To Find the Truth

Discrimination is the best part of valor." Simply we have to learn how to discriminate whether we are working on material platform or on the spiritual platform. That's all. Just like Arjuna. Arjuna was being advised to work on the spiritual platform. That's all. The whole instruction of Bhagavad-gita is based on this principle, that Arjuna was perplexed with material thoughts. And Lord Krsna wanted to pose him, or to place him in the spiritual platform. That's all. So now, from Arjuna's activity, you can understand that what is spiritual platform and what is material platform.(Srila Prabhupada, NY, April 5, 1966)

The role of sat-sanga is to highlight the patterns that keep us on the material rather than the transcendental platform. The difference between the two is simple. The first is characterized by a subjective reaction to events. The second by understanding that, as pure spirits, no external event has any bearing on us. Naturally there is a huge gap between the two perceptions. Nonetheless, understanding the theory is an essential step on the journey to enlightenment. For example, we all experience rejection, and that can be very painful. As a young man I became suicidal over the loss of a long time lover. It took me years to overcome that loss and the pattern kept repeating itself in other failed relationships. Finally I figured out that the amount of loss I experienced was directly connected to the misunderstanding of myself as a spiritual being. In other words, the amount of suffering was directly proportional to my ignorance of my spiritual nature. The best part of my discovery was its possible and practical application to every day life. This is spirituality. Practical and applicable. Not some debatable promise of distant perfection or, even worse, extorted present payments on an after-life insurance policy.

In the next few posts I will try to explore how Prabhupada’s presentation of Krsna’s advice on discrimination can be understood and applied to immense benefit here and now, in our daily struggle for meaningful existence. Stay tuned!


jauvana said...

Using sastra and the words of real sadhus to cut thru the knots of ignorance that bind us to this material world is the purpose of spiritual life. I'm so glad you will be exploring this subject in your posts. You know that's also something sorely lacking in Iskcon and in most other institutions-- finding and applying the practical application of spiritual philosophy to the real world. Arjuna was not sitting at home or on a vyasasan when Krishna spoke the Gita to him; he was on the battlefield. Too many preachers, including many of our godbrothers who are now gurus, give classes to entertain their audience rather than to teach them how to apply philosophy to real life. I look forward to more of your posts.

Carlo Aananda said...

Nava, the sad, sad thing is that you can't teach what you don't know or pretend to know. Paramatma just won't make the connection.

Anonymous said...

Nice topic Ananda Svarupa prabhu, I particularly liked your comments about love lost and the degree to which we feel pain, due to our understanding of our real self.
I have had similar experiences throughout my life even recently, and the pain and the tears are so intense.Krishna Consciousness always seems to repair this pain,in proportion to time spent in devotion.
Lots of reading occurs within Iskcon,although not much of the reading is put into practice.
Nice work prabhu
Kurma das (not the chef)

Carlo Aananda said...

Thank you Kurma. I follow your posts in the Sun. What can I say? This world is just not fit for a gentleman. Anyhow, I suppose I'm much older then you (65 in September)and I can assure you that eventually your tears of pain will become your greatest asset. The tears won't go away but the sheer relief of finding their proper place will enhance Krsna's presence in your life more and more.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ananda Svarupa thank you for your wonderful realizations, I will be 50 years old (also in September) this year.
I try to keep my posts on the Sun free from envy, at times they probably seem a bit passionate, Rocana prabhu is very kind for putting up with me.
I have had some unusual experiences with Iskcons, now famous, gurus and swamis, this is why I am so passionate about protecting Srila Prabhupadas legacy.
Kurma (not the chef