(The) Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled. There must be always individual striving and work and responsibility, competitive spirit, not that one shall dominate and distribute benefits to the others and they do nothing but beg from you and you provide. No. (Srila Prabhupada, Bombay, 1972)
This is a mission critical instruction from Srila Prabhupada. Genuine spiritual life is never from the top down. Never impersonal. Never bureaucratic. Never dogmatic. According to Rupa Gosvami the Krsna Consciousness movement is not nyamagraha or organized solely around the rules. Rules are important up to a point but more important are the reasons behind the rules. We must always remember how liberal Krsna is in His dealings with His children and thus understand that no brother or sister can overstep the mood and desire of the father. That is, if you want to keep the family together. This begs the question: what happened to Prabhupada’s family? Why is its decimation since 1977 never discussed in any meaningful manner? At the time of Srila Prabhupada's departure there must have been upward to 2000 of his dedicated disciples active in ISKCON (perhaps someone can supply a more exact figure). What happened to them? Why did the overwhelming majority of them leave? Is no one responsible? Can we have leadership without responsibility? These are important question that need to be discussed. I am eager and open for genuine and now long overdue discussion. I want to talk to the devotee community about this and other important subjects which seem to be anathema in certain quarters. Please feel free to communicate with me.
Ananda Svarupa dasa
A great writeup once again.
"Krishna Consciousness movement is meant for training men to be DUMB, TOTALLY OBEDIENT NUMSKULLS who will then be used as Pawns in the important game of bureaucracy / abuse as and when required by some of the leaders."
Now in ISKCON, we see only Rules, Rules and more Rules and Laws - and a network of them all - and packed in a rigid institutional framework - where following the rule is considered more important than the intended result (Krishna Prem).
Invariably innocent devotees get punished in the name of not following rules - while those at the top go scot free even after rape, child abuse, womanizing etc.
Different sets of rules are implemented / enforced for leaders and the common devotees. How long will this go on in this fashion?
Well, Rama,
I don't think your are right in your first statement. Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of knowledge and action. Only as Ananda says it is been misused and wrongly presented by certain individuals, as may be expected in any kind of organization, but also in the non-organized world there are many faults. I understand that you are angry, but speaking in this way, without any solution to the problem is just igniting your flame of anger unto others leading to even more dissatisfaction. Don't waste your time in this manner. When we are kind and forgiving hateful people may be transformed.
Ram and Krsna das, thank you for your comments. They inspired my latest entry on the blog.
Was the movement infiltrated by imposters and illumunati as Srila Prabhupada stated that it would be?
If we study carefully there is a clear pattern and group of men, who, year in year out within Iskcon who come up with the ideas and make the decisions for Iskcons direction.
Ideas like the guru reform, or the recent sannyasi ministry, these ideas are power based and political they remove the ability for others to be independently thoughtful, thats one good reason why many good men and women have left.
Kurma (not the chef)
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