Sri Radha Govinda, Amsterdam NL

Sri Radha Govinda, Amsterdam NL
Sri Radha Govinda, Amsterdam NL (Personal Deities)

02 October 2007

On YouTube

On the second and fourth Saturdays of the month I hold a Bhagavad Gita Forum at Karunika, a cultural spiritual initiative in the center of Amsterdam. Last week a Dutch documentary maker filmed the event. He called me this evening to say that he had put the chanting part of my presentation on YouTube under the name Ananda Svarup. For those of you who like devotional music here is the link:

Accompanied by my acoustic guitar I 'm chanting the concluding verses from the Gita (Ch. 18.61-66), verses that have made a difference to my life and which mean more to me than I can properly express. It's not only about music, it's about feeling, appreciation and the tiny, very,very tiny beginning of love.

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