Sri Radha Govinda, Amsterdam NL

Sri Radha Govinda, Amsterdam NL
Sri Radha Govinda, Amsterdam NL (Personal Deities)

24 September 2007

Sharing Some Thoughts with a Friend

Dear X,

The Truth being the authority is simply a way of saying not to trust too readily just anyone who may have the external trappings of authority, spiritual or otherwise. Power, money, politics and diplomacy are the ways of the material world. isvarah sarva bhutnam hrd deshe 'rjuna tisthati... tam eva saranam gaccha sarva bhavena bharata (Bg. 18.61 and 62). Lord Krsna gave you a brain and a heart so don't vegetate, use them in His service and trust no one who does not speak and act exactly from sastra AND previous authority. Ultimately our tiny insect-like lives are not that serious. Me, I just like to make people, and especially devotees, think for themselves. Not all do. But even if a few do it, that will be a great victory for truth. Study Prabhupada's books deeply and don't be allured by nice stories, fancy acts and propaganda. Just because you noticed some emotions in me when I chanted my japa does not make me anything special. Plenty of drama actors can cry real tears and show very believable emotions at will.

You are a good boy X and I like you and have genuine affection for you. So, be blessed and in this life please wrap up this miserable existence in the material world. Be yourself, don't aspire to imitate anyone, ever great preachers. Devotee means no independent desire.

"Whatever You want of me, my Lord, let that be."

That is the path of freedom from fear.

Your aspiring servant always,


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